Guess The Number Game - Python !!!
Welcome to my blog,
Today, we are making a guess the number game in python.
The basic idealogy of this game is that a random number will be selected and your task is to guess that number........there are many links where you can find this same project but i tried to keep it unique by adding some hints and adding difficulty levels to the game.
so let's begin with the project:
step 1. Importing all the required modules in python :
import random
step2. Defining the hints for the game:
so I made three methods that are used to give hints to the player which are as follows:
def even(num):if num % 2 == 0:return "Even"else:return "Odd"def prime(num):for i in range(2,num):if num % i == 0 and i == num:return "Prime"else:return "Not a prime"def hint(guessed_no, actual_no):less_than = ["Your guess is too low","Please raise your guess","You are guessing too low","You can go more higher and remember the starting hint."]greater_than = ["Ohh that's way too high !","Please lower your expectations...","Your guess is way too high and remember the starting hint."]if (guessed_no) < actual_no:return random.choice(less_than)else:return random.choice(greater_than)
step3. Writing the main driver code:
def guess_game():
print('''Welcome to Guess the number game:
In this game you just have to guess the number
so let's begin with it:''')
print('''Please enter the difficulty level:
1.Easy - Between 1 to 10
2.Medium - Between 11 to 100
3.Hard - between 101 and 100''' )
while True:
choice = input()
if choice == "1" or choice.lower()=="easy":
actual_no = random.randint(0,10)
elif choice == "2" or choice.lower()=="medium":
actual_no = random.randint(11,100)
elif choice == "3" or choice.lower()=="hard":
actual_no = random.randint(101,1000)
print("Please enter correct choice !")
print("Let the guessing begin:")
gen = random.choice([even(actual_no),prime(actual_no)])
print('''Here's a small hint for you to start with:
The number is a {hint} number.'''.format(hint=gen))
while True:
print("Enter your guess :")
guessed_no = int(input())
if guessed_no == actual_no:
print("Your guess was correct.")
hi = hint(guessed_no, actual_no)
print("Please try again !")
except ValueError:
print("Please enter a valid number !")
print("Thankyou for playing.... :)")
Now, all the pieces are ready and we have to just call the main driver function
as follows:
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